Cwm Taf Morgannwg Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hubs
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubs are the single point of contact for all professionals to report safeguarding concerns across Cwm Taf Morgannwg.
There are two Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubs (MASH) that operate within the Cwm Taf Morgannwg region. These are:
- Cwm Taf MASH which covers Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr Tydfil; and
- Bridgend MASH which covers the Bridgend area.
Safeguarding professionals work together all in one office, and these include representatives from:
Children's Social Care and Adult Safeguarding;
- South Wales Police;
- Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board;
- Education; and
- National Probation Service.
The MASH directly receives safeguarding concerns from professionals such as teachers and doctors, as well as members of the public and family members via Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC, Merthyr Tydfil CBC and Bridgend CBC contact centres.
What difference do the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubs make?
For concerns that meet the threshold for MASH involvement, representatives from the different agencies in the MASH and outside will collate information from their respective sources to build up a holistic picture of the circumstances of the case and the associated risks to the child, adult or high risk domestic abuse concern. As a result, more informed timely decisions will be made about what action to take, and the appropriate support can be put in place.
The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubs have significantly improved the sharing of information between agencies, helping to protect the most vulnerable children and adults from harm, neglect and abuse.
How to report a concern to MASH:
Professionals who wish to contact or make a referral to Cwm Taf MASH should call: 01443 743730
Professionals who wish to contact or make a referral to Bridgend should call:
Safeguarding Adults Team
Phone: 01656 642477
Information, Advice and Assistance (IAA) Team (Children)
Phone: 01656 642320
Early Help
Phone: 01565 815523
01656 642740
01656 815431
The referral forms are appendices at the end of the Bridgend Corporate Safeguarding Policy.
Report a Concern
To report concerns about a child in RCT call:
01443 425 006
To report concerns about an adult at risk in RCT call:
01443 425 003
To report concerns in Merthyr Tydfil call:
01685 725 000
To report concerns about adults at risk in Bridgend call:
01656 642477
To report concerns about children at risk in Bridgend call:
01656 642320
Emergency Out of hours contact number:
01443 743 665
More Information